Barbara Hicks, LMT (OR#3918)
Licensed Massage Therapist • Biotensegrity Specialist • Bowenwork Practioner - Hood River, OR


Resilience is how well your body and mind adapt to and absorb stresses, especially unusual and unexpected ones.

Resilience is the ability to confidently move any way you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want, without suffering a debilitating injury. 

Resilience is important for:

  • Overall well-being (physically and emotionally)
  • Confidence to partake in desired activities without fear of injury
  • Lessened level of injury when accidents happen
  • Quicker recovery from injuries when they do occur

Resilience is decreased by chronically tight muscles, which have learned to stay contracted due to repeated and reflexive response to physical trauma (repetitive tasks, injuries, accidents, surgeries) and/or emotional trauma (past, present, or perceived threats of the future). These contracted areas decrease our available choices (physical and emotional), thereby decreasing resilience.

Resilience is improved by finding one's optimal balanced and centered movement patterns by releasing the areas of restrictions, thereby improving balance, flexibility, and strength.

© Copyright 2024 Barbara Hicks, LMT (OR#3918). All rights reserved.