Barbara Hicks, LMT (OR#3918)
Licensed Massage Therapist • Biotensegrity Specialist • Bowenwork Practioner - Hood River, OR

Movement Programs

Clients often ask for stretches/exercise recommendations. It is important to understand we all need three primary attributes of physical fitness to remain healthy and resilient.
Strength—You need to be strong enough to do the things that matter to you. The type of strength may change depending on your activities, but everyone needs strength, including cardio strength. Everyone.
Flexibility—If you have trouble getting into the positions you need in your daily life or doing the things you want to do, you need to be working on your flexibility. This doesn't mean you have to stretch for hours every day. It does mean you need to incorporate it into your daily routine.
Mobility—This is the missing link for most people. Mobility isn't just one thing; it encompasses other attributes such as balance, speed, coordination, and precision. It allows you to use the strength and flexibility you have effectively. In daily life, having a good level of mobility means you have a better chance of going down the stairs without falling or manuvering your body through the front door while carrying groceries in one hand and your screaming toddler in the other or falling without hurting yourself.

Whatever movement regimes and activities you choose, ensure all three aspects of physical fitness are being addressed equally. 

Regardless of age, here are movements we ALL need to be able to do (ok, you might get a pass on some of them if you are over 80):

  • Somatic Washrag, Flower, and Rope (see below)
  • Child's pose (link here)
  • Cobra pose (link here)
  • Foot glides (especially important for balance link here)
  • Wall angel (link here)
  • Bear (see GMB Follow-along routine below)
  • Squat (link here)

Here are additional links you may find helpful:

Somatic Movement exercises are a great place to start. An explanation, full-body assessment, and three movements we all would benefit from doing daily:

Functional Movement - GMB, developed by physical therapists, uses body-weight focused movement to help achieve strength, flexibility, and mobility. No gym, no apparatus needed. Don't be scared away by their ability! Start where you are, and go as far as you want.

 GMB Functional Movement (and a bonus  Follow-along routine )

What about stretching? What's the BEST way? Well, it depends. 7 types of stretching

Yoga in a chair or on the floor, regardless of your age and fitness level Chair/floor yoga


© Copyright 2024 Barbara Hicks, LMT (OR#3918). All rights reserved.