Restoring natural resilience through compassionate professional care for the body, mind, and soul.
If you want long-term relief from acute or chronic pain due to injury, habitual maladaptive movement patterns, or stress, let me help you achieve your goals and restore your natural resilience. Through life's events, cultural norms, and repetitive motor patterns, our bodies learn to take shapes that, if habituated, will limit us, create pain, and keep us stuck in patterns that do not serve us well.
The intent of each session is to support your body's innate ability to heal by releasing the areas of greatest restrictions. The techniques used may seem different and somewhat lighter than a typical massage; however, the effects are deep and profound. Through this focused work, along with increased postural awareness and the addition of breathing and functional movement regimes, a healthy balance of flexibility, strength, and mobility can be achieved, leading to the return of resilience.
Some techniques incorporated in my treatments: